Saturday, October 14, 2006
Competent voice

Michael Buble has a competent voice, an interesting style and a natural flair when it comes to singing pop classics, and his debut album, produced with the help of David Foster and Paul Anka, is a gem.
Listening to it, you'd never guess the album wasn't of the Rat Pack period. Buble, whose smooth voice is a delight, is only 25 years old, though.
With Rod Stewart and Robbie Williams doing albums that harken back to the era when Dino and the Chairman ruled the airwaves, it's good to see someone who's not just doing these songs as a sort of wink-wink throwback. Buble sings these songs because he prefers singing these songs, not because he had a pop rock career that fizzled.
Hopefully, with future albums, he'll stay within this genre and continue doing such fun, catchy work. It's good that someone like Michael Buble recognizes that the best music is the kind that can lead couples to dance.